Parallèle II
Un tant désiré moment, et pourtant serein, une occasion en or pour respirer, dans un endroit digne d'un conte de fées, mes pieds dans l'eau, je laisse la fraîcheur m'imprégner. Plongée dans les tumultes de mes pensées, plus mon corps se refroidit et plus mon esprit s'éclaircit. Les oiseaux gazouillant, la brise caressant ma peau et je me sens enfin libre de chanter, libre de profiter de toutes les petites choses qu'une journée d'été a à offrir, libre d'être moi.
Parallel II
A long awaited and yet serene moment, a priceless occasion to breathe, in a place right out of a fairy tale, I dip my feet in the stream and let the freshness invade my whole self. Daydreaming by the shores, immersing myself in the turmoils of my thoughts and the fresher I become, the more my mind gets clearer. The birds chirping, the breeze gently brushing my skin, and I finally feel free to sing, free to enjoy the little things that a summer day has to offer, free to be me.
I wanted to express my gratitude to Ella, and thank her from the bottom of my heart for organizing those meaningful exhibitions and granted me the honor to be of it. Hasn't she done an amazing? If you don't know what to answer, I recommend you to visit Mindful Cove and see by yourself.
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