Blabla (en)

Our home

Last week I moved !
I hate so much moving in SL, it’s really an annoyance I try to avoid. But after a month of being annoyed by my neighbors, I guess it was necessary. After all, I was so mad, […]

Blabla (fr)


Avant de me relancer dans un blogging acharné, j’ai décidé de publier certains clichés qui font limite partie de mes archives. À force de traîner, des mois s’écoulent, et finalement rien n’est fait. Si bien qu’il m’arrive d’oublier ce que j’ai archivé […]

Blabla (en)

Ashley far from the Voidar

I usually log on SL, shop, chitchat, take a bunch of picture, and finally leave. I have been so long on antisocial mode that I got used to it. Anyway, I like my peace more than anything else.
But for once, I changed my plan.
Indeed, I got the chance to portray a photographer I admire […]